Monday, 02 July 2007

My adventure

Olen nähnyt auringonnousun bussimatkalla keskellä Etelä-Afrikan teitä, pitänyt suklaan väristä vauvaa sylissäni kodittomien ihmisten laulaessa ympärilläni zulun kielellä, nauranut istuessani avokadolavalla, itkenyt orpokodin penkillä, jakanut appelsiineja ja voileipiä nälkäisille, tingannut katukojun hinnoista, jammaillut afrikkalaisen levykaupan jazzin tahtiin, uinut Intian valtameressä, laukannut hevosella hiukset hulmuten Jeffreys bayn rannoilla, nähnyt maailman nopeimman kissaeläimen, kylläisen leijonalauman, äkäisen norsun, vauvavirtahevon, paviaanipariskunnan ja tiellä jolkottelevan kirahvin ja zebran, sekä nähnyt auringonlaskun Port Elizabethissa...Olen kokenut Afrikan.

...onnellinen,surullinen, iloinen, väsynyt-kaikkea tätä.

Takana 40 h matka Afrikasta Ouluun. Matka meni turvallisesti, kaikki eivät varmasti tajunneet, että kotia kohti ollaan menossa, minä en ainakaan...Kotona kuitenkin olen, oman koneeni ääressä kirjoittelen kuunnellen Voices of Africa cd:tä. Katselin juuri kuvia ja alan pikkuhiljaa tajuta että olen oikeasti juuri käynyt maassa, minne olin aina halunnut mennä. En ikinä unohda Lula care centerin(orpolasten n.7kk-10v päiväkoti)ilmeitä. Iloisia hymyjä, itkuisia silmiä, likaisia kasvoja...Olin siellä kaksi päivää töissä ja se oli kyllä yksi hienoimmista kokemuksista, kaikki lapset kutsuivat minua `Mamaksi`. Myös monet maisemat jäävät mieleen. Ja ihmisten vieraanvaraisuudesta ja pienistä asioista iloitsemisesta voi todella ottaa oppia. Sellaista tiimiä joka meillä oli/ on :D saa hakea, keskinäinen rakkaus näkyi ja kuului ihan varmasti kauas. Itse opin itsestäni ja Jumalasta matkalla hurjan paljon ja tää aktio muutti ainakin minun maailmankuvaani huomattavalla tavalla.
Jumalan johdatus oli aivan mieletöntä.
Kaikki kunnia Taivaan Isälle.

It surely was an adventure!

with love Susu 'the junior'

Saturday, 23 June 2007


Amazing day! We had a time of debriefing, some teaching on the Holy Spirit and were ministered to by the pastor and his wife. God really is good. Tomorrow we are heading for Pretoria where we will minister in a church. We'll spend the night there and leaver for Jeoffreys Bay early in the morning for a week's holiday.

juha & laura

Friday, 22 June 2007

A different Mid-summer festival.

Today was a bit different from our original plan. We were supposed to go to a campsite and spend time with God in gorgeous nature surroundings. God had different plans and so we find ourselves still at White River in our families having a day off. Which has been a real blessing for all of us, I might add. Tomorrow we are going to the church and have the program we were supposed to have at the camp there. So pastor P.W. will be teaching us and we will be practising God’s teachings in real life. I so wait for tomorrow, I have such big expectations of what we are going to experience with God tomorrow. And I believe tomorrow will be even greater a day than we expect.

From Laura to all of you mothers and fathers that are wondering are we having enough to eat here: “Ruoka on todella hyvaa!” (Food here is delicious).

With blessings to all of you our readers,

Thursday, 21 June 2007

Eilen oli meidan viimeinen tyopaiva taalla Etela-Afrikassa. Aamupaivalla tutustuimme aids-klinikkaan ja Africa School of Missions -nimiseen raamattukouluun. Iltapaivalla vedimme ohjelmaa noin sadalle orpolapselle. Tyontayteisen paivan kruunasi rengasrikko illalla ja aitoon afrikkatyyliin autossa oli paikka vararenkaalle, mutta ei itse rengasta. Amen. Paikalle saapui auton omistaja vararenkaan kanssa, joka sekaan ei sopinut kohdalleen. Turvauduimme paikallisten lahetystyontekijoiden laupeuteen ja toimivaan autoon, ja paasimme vihdoin yopuulle. Tanaan kerasimme porukan kokoon kello 6 ja suuntasimme kohti Etela-Afrikan ylpeytta, Krugerin kansallispuistoa. Leijonakuninkaasta naimme ainakin Pumban, Nalan, Rafikin ja Zazun, seka lisaksi norsun, hipon ja kirahvin. Harvinaiset gepardit ja 14 leijonaa saaliineen olivat paivan ehdotonta kermaa. Ja seepra muuten nayttaa oikeasti aasilta ruma black horsen kerrasto paalla. Naihin kuviin ja tunnelmiin.

Laura Kivela & Juha Ronkainen
White River, South Africa

Tuesday, 19 June 2007


Olo on vasynyt, mutta onnellinen. Tanaan se loi tajuntaani, etta viimeisia tyopaivia viedaan ja viimeisia iltoja yhdessa houst-perheen kanssa, jonne ollaan ennattetty naiden viikkojen aikana kotiutua niin sulavasti. Jokseenkin haikeaa sanoisin - kylla. Mutta eletaan hetki kerrallaan. Viela on paljon edessa :)

Tanaan oli liikkeella vasymysaalto, mutta jalleen touhuttiin paiva ASM:n leivissa. Multaiset sormet ja kasvimaan tuoksu olivat paivan sana omalla kohdallani nyppiessani rikkaruohoja herttaisten ystavieni seka apinan kanssa. Soccer-matsi paikallista joukkuetta vastaan (muutamalla lisavahvistuksella) kruunasi paivan. Meidan poikien pelityylia voisi kuvailla taidokkaaksi ja antaumukselliseksi :D Lopputulos lienee jaanyt meidan hyvaksi?

Nyt unta palloon. Kauniita unia, enkelten kuvia.

Unisin silmin,
Susanna R.

Ps. tahtoo suklaata

Monday, 18 June 2007

Takana on pitka paiva ja juuri lopeteltu kalaillallinen suomalaisittain, ja silmat alkavat vakisinkin painua kiinni.. Kellokin on jo yhdeksan. Mutta jotain tasta paivasta kuitenkin:

Olimme jalleen tanaan ASM:lla. Paivi ja mina paasimme mukaan Young Mums -projektiin, joka kaytannossa tukee nuoria naimattomia aiteja. Yksin lapsen kanssa ilman minkaanlaisia tuloja ja koulutusta elavia alle kaksikymmenvuotiaita tyttoja tuetaan lapsen kasvattamisessa ja yhdessa mietitaan vaihtoehtoja selvita arjessa. Jo viikkoja jatkuneiden lakkojen ja levottomuuksien vuoksi liikuimme siviiliautolla, mika silti ei juurikaan estanyt kahta valkoista tyttoa herattamasta huomiota yhteison keskella liikkuessamme. Auto tyonnettiin muutamia kertoja kayntiin Afrikan kuoppaisilla hiekkateilla, muuten pikkuinen kotteromme ja ihana kuskimme Mama Chie selviytyivat maastosta uskomattomasti. Kieli on edelleen ongelma, suurimman osan ajasta vain arvailimme mista keskusteluissa tyttojen kanssa oli kyse. Mutta hieno paiva jalleen, Isille siita iso kiitos.


Sunday, 17 June 2007

Hear our praises!

Today was a special sunday, because it was father´s day in South Africa. When I woke up in the morning, I felt so tired and didn´t want to get out of bed. And I felt a bit uneasy. I soon realized it was a spiritual attack towards our team, as we were supposed to give our praises to the Lord in the evening´s "Singing the house down" -meeting at the White River Full Gospel Church. Also we were to go first to Barberton to bless the people there with God´s message and to be blessed by them. We got to Barberton in one piece and had a wonderfull time with the local congrigation. Although the meeting was mostly in afrikaans, which we dont understand quite yet. After thje meeting we had a wonderfull meal and sosialized with the locals.

We drove back to White River to have a short snack at our houses and to hurry practising and praying at the church. We had very high hopes for the evening as we had had so much opposition in the spiritual realm. While we prayed with the leaders at the church, people got visions of engouragement for us. After the prayer, I was told that I was to start the evenings meeting and as I had not prepared anything,I was a bit scared. I prayed a short while that God would provide a word for me to speak out. And as it turned out, God had prepared small speech about fear for me and I all I had to do was to speak it out, so it went well, all praises to God! We had a wonderfull time at the church and now we are back ´home´.

So good night everybody!
With blessings,

Saturday, 16 June 2007

Autuasta. Nukumme pitkaan (heraan ennen yhdeksaa enka saa enaa unta). Lueskelen Muumipappa ja meri -kirjaa auringossa pakoillen perheemme koiria. Syomme mamin kanssa piknik-lounaan pihalla. Aurinko paistaa enka voisi pyytaa elamalta paljon enempaa.

Oli siis vapaapaiva. Vierailimme metsan keskelle herttaisen perheen luona (isannan balettiesitys illan paatteeksi oli kylla yllatys). Paasimme nauttimaan vauhdin hurmasta monkijoiden selassa ja saimme hyvaa ruokaa. Ja kuvasimme mahtavia videopatkia, luonnollisesti.

Aamulla taas seitsemalta tien paalle. Ensimmainen kokous Barbertonissa, toinen kotiseurakunnassa taalla Whiteriverissa.

Kartsa ja Markus tutustuvat Lauran kattotuulettimeen eivatka tunnu saavan sita enaa pois paalta. Excellent. Naihin tunnelmiin.


Friday, 15 June 2007

Vetta ja majakka

Vasyttaa, niin en jaksa runoilla sulosanoja englanniksi. Tanaan oli lepopaiva, mika tarkoitti siis hektista reissaamista katselemaan vesiputouksia ja sen semmosta. Alyttoman kauniita olivat ja kuten matkan teemaan kuuluu tuli niin kiire etta piti aikataulusta jattaa viela pois yksi paikka. Mutta etta joo, God's Window oli paikka jostas hyvalla saalla nakee kuulemma Mosambikiin asti, nyt oli hieman utuista joten ei nahny taydellisesti, mutta aika korkealla oltiin juu. Ja erittain monta myyntikojua tutkittiin matkan varrelta ja useimmille tarttuikin mukaan niita perinteisimpia afrikkalaisia tuliaisia.
Ilta olikin sitten aivan loistava. Lighthouse, Nelspruit: kristillinen nuorisoklubi ja perjantai-ilta. Paastiin soittelemaan muutamaa raskas rokkiralli ja esittamaan draamat, tytot tanssahtelivat ja Janne ja Johanna verbalisoivat. Ja kaikki kuten mainittua meni erittain hyvin, meilla oli hauskaa ja Jumala oli lasna. :)

Rauhaa ja rakkautta, Markus

Sorry, for we forgot to update on 13th of June. Here it is.

Today the ministry we were supposed to do at the Care Center for the homeless people was cancelled. State workers all around South Africa are on strikes and the roads to many places are closed. So now we're taking a day off and resting and relaxing while praying and spending time with God and each other. Team is doing well and we have learnt a lot. God has used us to bring hope to the local people and share His love to them. It's a great influence you can make in people's lives by just coming here and spending time with them. Our ride is now here so I must get going. KFC ( Kentucky Fried Chicken ) is waiting... =)

Tanaan meidan palveleminen kodittomien auttamiskeskuksessa peruuntui, koska ympari maata valtion tyontekijat ovat lakossa ja tiet ovat moniin paikkoihin suljettuja. Saamme olla taman paivan vapaalla ja levata seka viettaa aikaa Jumalan ja toistemme kanssa. Tiimilla menee hyvin ja olemme oppineet paljon matkan aikana. Jumala on kayttanyt meita tuomaan toivoa paikallisille ihmisille ja jakamaan Hanen rakkauttaan heille. Jo se, etta tulee tanne ja viettaa aikaa paikallisten kanssa, jattaa lahtemattoman vaikutuksen ihmisiin. Meidan kyytimme on taalla, joten pitaa menna. KFC odottaa... =)


Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Onions, potatoes and tomatoes

We wake up at 5.20 and get picked up 7 (back home I struggle to get up at 7). Off to Nelspruit again. Me, Susanna, Markus and Joni work in the store room all day, putting vegetables and fruits in bags (we get very good at undoing knots cos plans and amounts of bags keep changing) which will be given out on Thursday. We have a swell time with the fruits singing finnish melancolic songs (Lapin luonto luo outoa taikaa.. Ma joka paiva toita teen, joka ainoa aamu seitsemaksi meen..)

Being there is a bit overwhelming. I love it. But the needs are huge. I wonder how they see us, coming from a richer country, being white.. How could I understand them? But fortunately God does. He knows the Jewels (as the manager of the place calls the homeless people they serve). I am very impressed by their work, the delicious meals they serve, how devotedly they serve.

Mom´s soon coming to pick me up, I am visiting the pastor´s (Markus, Joni, Laura and Juha stay here) .. Markus is playing cards on the floor next to me and Joni is preparing something to say in the church on Sunday..

Ok, pumpkin carriage is here. Gotta run.


Monday, 11 June 2007

Are these funny clothes? Hassuja vaatteita

"Yllatyksilta ei voi valttya, jos sattuu lajittelemaan ihmisten lahjoittamia vaatteita", totesivat vapaaehtoistyontekijat Nelspruit Community Forumilla, paikassa, jossa kodittomille tarjotaan ruokaa, ja josta kasin toimitetaan mm. vaateavustuksia. Osa porukasta saikin viettaa mel(e)ko hervottomia hetkia vaatesakkien aarella. Hassuja vaatteita, liian suuria vaatteita... Eri kokoiset vaatteet pakattiin omiin laatikoihinsa. Vaatteet jaettaisiin myohemmin kodittomille ja tiimi saa todennakoisesti olla myos siina mukana.

Aamusella oltiin mukana yhteisesssa hartaushetkessa kodittomien kanssa. Tama paiva on kaynyt lepopaivasta, silla kovin paljoa tekemsta meidan porukalle ei loytynyt.

Sunday, 10 June 2007


Not a ordinary sunday. Today we headed to Barberton at 07:00. We went there to speake to the congrigation and to show them how we praise the Lord in Finland. As we arrived, we were told some interesting things about the local spiritual situation. Near Barberton there are mountains that have names all referring to the devil. And there are many witch doctors in Barberton, which have tried to infiltrate the local church in order to drive them off. Witch doctors have been unsuccesfull in their attemps and instead, the atmosphere of the church in Barberton has gained a spiritual unity. Which could be felt when we stepped inside the church, you could really feel the Holy Spirit moving within the people. We have given a prayer request in all the churches that we have visited to pray for Finland and there are now already atleast three churches in South Africa praying for Finland. After the meeting in Barberton we headed for one of the pastors house for lunch. All the have been so nice and warm that we really feel welcome in where ever we go. After lunch we came back to White River but this time we took the mountain road, which had beatifull views all the way back to ´home´. After spending a couple of hours with the families we headed for afternoon meeting to lead the worship there and to meet the locals in White River Full Gospel Church. We found that they had a wonderfull praise band of their own and so we could enjoy their songs as they played and vice versa. Tomorror we get to sleep a bit longer, which is good, becauses we have got a bit too much stuff to do here and too little time to do it, so it is all off from our nights sleep. That is all for tonight, I´m going to bed now. With blessings to all our readers! - joni

Saturday, 09 June 2007

Aamuni alkoi loistavasti: heratessani aurinko paistoi jo pitsiverhojemme lapi ja minulla oli aikaa juoda kaksi aamukahvia, koska meidat haettiin vasta yhdeksalta (very unusual these days). Lovely.

Vierailimme toimintakeskuksessa, jossa orpolapset saavat leipaa, huolenpitoa ja kaytannon elaman taitoja. Yleiso otti kiitollisena vastaan draamamme, tanssimme ja laulumme - Markuksen ja Juhan Sydandraama-suoritukset saivat erityisen innostuneen vastaanoton. Nuoret opettivat meille linedancea (jota Markus parhaillaan tapailee selkani takana) ja tytot letittivat meidan tukkaa. Ah. Ihana paikka, ihania lapsia, uskomattomat maisemat (suoraan Lion Kingista).

Illalla menimme katsomaan elamamme ensimmaista rugby-pelia (paljon emme kylla paasseet peliin mukaan, mutta hyvin viihdyimme) ja sen jalkeen viela shoppaamaan ja kahville. Loysimme kaksi maailman kivointa levykaupan myyjaa ja mina afrikaansin kielisen Sonjan levyn (jota myyjapoika ei suositellut). Mugg and Beanin Caribbean Mocca oli taas pettamaton ja suklaakakkua ja muffinssia valtavasti.

Tulimme prinsessakamppikseni Katjan kanssa pastorin perheen hoiviin taksi illaksi; taidan lahtea etsimaan sankyani. Paasin vihdoin maistamaan Horlicksia. Ja aamulla heratys 5.30.

I love this country. I love the primitive life we occationally have, the children we've met. I love the sun.

I love my life.


Friday, 08 June 2007

Building up

Sand, sunshine and shovels. Today we were helping to lay a foundation for a centre which is to reach 100 000 orphans in the surrounding area. It was fun to work with the guys from the community; they were eager to show us what to do and to teach us some Swati language. Lunch, maize meal and sardines, was served outside on colorful plastic plates. The shortage of water in South Africa we experienced when washing up; 20 plates, spoons and a few tin pots were all washed with a rag and half a liter of cold water. We had a wonderful though quite tiring day. Maybe even more than accomplishing something ourselves in some way we were all personally built up..

Thanks for your prayers. Good night.


Thursday, 07 June 2007

Sand in my shoes

Not one day is the same. Not here nor home. I was told that this country must fit very well to my adventurous nature, and I agree. We left early for the Africa School of Missions, which is located maybe fifteen minutes away from White River. ASM has a bible school located in its premises and it helps people in the near-by village. Four groups were formed: building, gardening, food delivering and home-based-care. I was in the last, mainly for my future profession.
Car was full but fairly empty concerning we are in
Africa, and the road to Jerusalem Health Care Center was short. Yep, the area where I roamed is called Jerusalem. Morning started with Word, prayer and some great African praise songs which are quite motion-oriented, it was so great. After that we separated in smaller teams and went into the community. First of all we went to a house where there was a woman who had just lost her child. African mourning songs are more uplifting than ours, but still it was great to see how the comforters encouraged the mother to mourn but still remember that truly the child had now gone home.
After that we went to some people around the village, talked to them, gave them some medicine, mostly painkillers, and before we left, always prayed for them with them. These people truly care for each other, and are not afraid to show the love of Christ which is in them. Maybe I should finish my studies and come here, my motivation for studying is truly growing.
And for the last, I claimed before that I just don't feel like I'm somewhere else than home, but it occured to me I was lying. Walking with a backpack full of medical supplies on a sandy path headed to one patient's house, while in the distance I see great cliffs and mountains and below me the houses made of sand and stone, made me just realize in one second that I do not have any clue where I am. I have been walking in some haze all the time, not getting a good grasp of anything yet. But now that I know I'm in that haze, I'll try to grasp things harder, making this time really worthwhile and making a difference with my presence here.

“Longing for the ideal while criticizing the real is evidence of immaturity. Settling for the real without striving for the ideal is complacency. Maturity is living with the tension.”
Rick Warren

With love, Markus

Wednesday, 06 June 2007


Here I am lying on my comfortable bed and thinking all what we experienced today. This day was our first work day here. We were working in a clinic in rural area near White River. Most of the time we were playing with the kids, but some of us even got the possibility to see how the patients are treated. I am sure that the whole team got moved by what we saw. It is just so hard to understand these conttrasts in this conuntry. Not so far away from this nice town there exists totally different world. Shanty towns, people in great need and kids without anyone to hug them. I pray that we will never forget tbose faces.

Tuesday, 05 June 2007


It´s now 22.30 and we have had our first full day in south africa. We got to sleep in and had a wonderfull wake up as we saw how beautifull it looked outside. We went to a mall called Riverside mall. We wondered around and were fascinated by the south african people. We tried to find a cheap shop that we could find some clothes, books and CD´s. We were astonished of how much you can by with little money if you find the right places. We shopped untill 14.00 and after that went eating to a restaurant within the mall. The mall was quite big for a finnish student from Oulu, as it was a kilometer long. After we got back from the mall we had a short time with our host families. And then gathered as a group to share our thoughts and to prepare the next day´s actions, as we are going to the AIDS clinic. More of that tomorrow. Now it time for us to go to bed and wish you all a good night. With blessings, team South Africa.

Monday, 04 June 2007


Here we are in Johannesburg sitting in a minibus on our way to Nelspruit. God already made a miracle when three of us were missing student ID and VR official let them travel with student prices.
Things got wild in Madrid when part of the team were dancing and singing at the airport. Some of us felt thrilled to be on a Spanish speaking ground and get to order things in Spanish. Cafe con Leche was heavenly.
Last flight from Madrid to Johannesburg everyone was sleeping. We just passed a gold mountain and road goes on...

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Blog opened!

Five days until we leave. Can't you just feel the excitement rising! The whole team is getting ready for the outreach. You can keep updated by reading this blog during our stay in South Africa. We will share the best experiences with you. Have a blessed summer!

Viisi päivää lähtöön. Jännitys tiivistyy! Koko tiimi valmistautuu parhaillaan lähtöä varten. Pysyt ajan tasalla seuraamalla tätä blogia Etelä-Afrikan reissumme aikana. Kerromme täällä kaikki parhaat kokemukset. Siunattua kesää!